Expansion of AM capacities at Irpd AG in the field of 3D metal printing
The AM machine park of Irpd AG was supplemented by a powerful dual-beam LPBF system. Thanks to ultra-modern 4-axis laser deflection units, beam diameters of 80 to 500 µm can be realized in high quality at the build plane, so that laser powers of up to 1,000 W per laser can also be retrieved for high productivity. Integrated into our Siemens and Materialise software architecture, this system will enable us to cover the AM value chain 'Powder 2 Part' (P2P) at a high technological level.
Technical data
2 x 1,000 W laser power with variable spot sizes >80 µm
Multi-beam operation with full field overlap
Build plate heating > 200°C
ultra-modern 4-axis scanning technology
low maintenance, self-cleaning soot particle filter system
a build job report is in preparation
Shielding gas situation in the area of the build chamber; a high quality shielding gas flow was realized to ensure a homogeneous component quality independent of the component position on the build plate
Successfully finished build job on a build plate with dimensions 400 mm x 325 mm
Multi-beam SLM-system with filter system in the background
Currently we offer for this system productive as well as qualitatively convincing parameters for chrome steel 1.4404 and the aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg.
The maximum available laser power of 2 x 1,000 W with variable spot sizes and the build plate heating that can be switched on as required allow us to produce for you in the highest quality and productivity.
Free access to all relevant process parameters supports us in the development of robust process parameters for other materials.
The combination of advanced filter technology with an intelligent and actively cooled inert gas supply allows a homogeneous and high component quality over the entire build plate area of 400 mm x 325 mm.